Help Wanted

Whew. Full time teaching and full time parenting is tough! Who knew?

This year we've switched to a 6 period schedule from a 5 period trimester. We've also added RTI initiatives like Common Formative Assessments (CFAs) as well as a review period twice a week to meet with students that need additional help on CFA topics, to give students extra time to finish a test or quiz, or to help them get caught up on missing work. I don't see the value in the call-back time, yet, but I'm trying to use it to the best of my ability with students that need help. My concern is that the responisibilty on learning is back on the teachers and the school. I've always bent over backwards to help students learn, but I've also tried to make sure that the students knew that their success was based on their efforts. I see myself as a behind-the-scences worker. I do everything that I can to put students in positions to be successful and then help them find that success.

In addition, I still have planning (getting ready for three preps and realigning to a different daily schedule) and grading. I'm usually not so exhausted by Thanksgiving.

Now, President-Elect Trump would like to appoint Mrs. DeVos to head up the Department of Education. This is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house.

To get away from, what feels like complaining, teaching still gets me up in the morning. I'm excited to go into work everyday. I try to ignore the irrelevant and get to the art and science of encouraging students to be better than they think they can be.
